The Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of February and March bring the season of Bunuru. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of Spring,...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the world’s first astronomers, studying the night sky and navigating using the stars long before Babylonia, Greek or Roman astronomers. Tens of thousands of years of culture and heritage are reflected in WA’s night...
Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of April and May bring the season of Djeran. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of Spring, Summer,...
Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of June and July bring the season of Makuru. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of Spring, Summer,...
Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of August and September bring the season of Djilba. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of Spring,...
Orion the Hunter is a famous summer constellation, and it is up in the early evening for you to see now. First thing in the evening, look directly to the east. The brightest star you’ll see is Sirius. Directly to the left of Sirius is what is often referred to...
The Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of October and November bring the season of Kambarang. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of...
Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of December and January bring the season of Birak. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of Spring,...
Regional Development Australia (RDA) Wheatbelt has recently funded an innovative project to build Yued Aboriginal enterprise through its Noongar Enterprise Development Support (NEDS). The initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services...
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