January 2025 7 January 14 JanuaryRises 8:03pm (AWST)22 January29 January Saturn and the Moon | 3rd & 4th January On these beautiful nights, take the time to be outside after sunset to see a stunning view of Venus and Saturn close to the crescent Moon. If...
On these beautiful nights, take the time to be outside after sunset to see a stunning view of Venus and Saturn close to the crescent Moon. If you keep watching the pair over the coming fortnight, you’ll see the planets appear very close to each other on 18th...
Orion the Hunter is a famous summer constellation, and it is up in the early evening for you to see now. First thing in the evening, look directly to the east. The brightest star you’ll see is Sirius. Directly to the left of Sirius is what is often referred to...
Visiting and staying in country WA gives you an excellent opportunity to see the Magellanic Clouds, normally made invisible by bright city lights. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (often abbreviated to LMC and SMC) are galaxies near our own Milky Way Galaxy. From...
Noongar people are the traditional owners of the south-west of Western Australia and have been for over 45,000 years. In the Noongar calendar, the months of December and January bring the season of Birak. Mainstream education teaches the four seasons of Spring,...
Have you noticed Mars rising in the east yet? It rises after 8pm and the red planet is at its brilliant best this month because it will be close to Earth. Every 26 months, Mars is at “opposition”. What this means is that Mars is as close to Earth as it gets during...
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