6.30pm, Sunday 21st April 2024. Image: SkySafari, SkySafariAstronomy.com. It’s comet hunting time! Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is also known as the Devil Comet because of how, in some images, the comet’s tail looks forked, like two devilish horns. Comet...
April 2024 5 April13 AprilRises 5:56pm (AWST)21 April28 April Easter Stargazing | 29th March This Easter weekend, step outside on the early morning of Good Friday, March 29 2024, and treat yourself to a celestial spectacle. As dawn approaches, the night sky...
Summer Solstice | 21st December The December Solstice, also known as the summer solstice, marks the longest day of the year in the southern hemisphere and in south-west WA. Andromeda Galaxy | October – December Andromeda is in our galactic neighbourhood of local...
January 2025 7 January 14 JanuaryRises 8:03pm (AWST)22 January29 January Saturn and the Moon | 3rd & 4th January On these beautiful nights, take the time to be outside after sunset to see a stunning view of Venus and Saturn close to the crescent Moon. If...
February 2024 5 February12 FebruaryRises 7:13pm (AWST)21 February28 February Alpha Centaurid Meteor Shower | 8th-9th February The Alpha Centaurid meteor shower will be active from 28 January to 21 February, producing its peak rate of meteors around 9 February....
March 2024 7 March14 MarchRises 6:36pm (AWST)22 March29 March Venus Visits the Moon and Saturn | 9th & 22nd March On the 9th March, there's a beautiful view of the Moon and Venus appearing very close to one another on the eastern horizon. Mars is the red...
May 2024 4 May13 MayRises 5.34pm (AWST)20 May27 May Saturn, Mars & Mercury | 5th, 6th & 7th May May’s planets are lining up for their close approaches with the moon this month, with Saturn, Mars, and Mercury getting up close and personal. How do...
June 2024 3 June11 JuneRises 5.00pm (AWST)19 June25 June The Moon & Mars Meet at Dawn| 3rd June What a fantastic sight this is for early morning stargazers! At 5am on the 3rd June, those with views to the very low north eastern sky will be able to see a a...
July 2024 3 July11 JulyRises 5:46pm (AWST)18 July25 July Jupiter, the Eye of the Bull | 3rd July If you're up early on 3rd July, you're in for a special sight in the pre-dawn sky. Jupiter appears in the constellation of Taurus and becomes the second eye of the...
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