It’s comet hunting time! The target is C/2020 F3 Neowise!
When to look: From 6:30pm (roughly 60 minutes after sunset) July 27-30 2020.
Where: North West, just above the horizon
It’s the Southern Hemispheres turn to view comet C/2020 F3 Neowise! Unfortunately, we won’t get quite as good a view as the Northern Hemisphere did, as the comet will have faded by the time it reaches our skies. The comet will be tough to see with the naked eye (but you can certainly try!), so we recommend getting out your binoculars or telescopes for this one.
Some tools to help you locate Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise include the SkySafari app. Use the search function on SkySafari AR to search for ‘C/2020 F3 Neowise’ Press “centre” and the app will show you where the comet is from night to night. Use the stars around the Comet as a guide to try and find it. Or another great way to find it is to use Ian Musgrave’s Astroblog charts.
Something interesting: According to NASA, this comet has an especially long elliptical period and won’t be back for another 6,800 years!
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