What a beautiful evening to be out under the stars! Bright Venus and Saturn will appear either side of the Moon. It will be a delight to see.  If you want to make the most of your summer stargazing, we recommend escaping to an Astrotourism Town in country WA and enjoying an unspoilt view of the sky.

When and where to look:

Head outside at about 8pm and look to the western horizon.

Something Interesting:

Venus is the brightest planet we can see from Earth and it’s about 450 degrees Celsius! It may not be a great place to visit, but thanks to our Sun’s light reflecting off a thick layer of sulphuric cloud, it certainly makes for a spectacular sight in our evenings. Often called the “Evening Star”, the sulphuric cloud that surrounds Venus makes a great reflection for our Sun’s light. That’s why it’s so bright

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There’s always something interesting happening in the night sky and country WA is the best place to catch all the action.