After the sun sets on February evenings, Venus will make a striking sight setting on the western horizon. On 16th February, Venus is at what is known as “greatest brilliance” and is the brightest it gets for the year.
Through a telescope, Venus will appear as a crescent shape. From our position on Earth, Venus has phases just like our Moon. This is because Venus is inside Earth’s orbit, so when it is closest to Earth, we can only see part of the surface of the planet that is illuminated by the Sun’s light.
When and where to look:
From 7pm right through the month of February in the west. Greatest brilliance is on 16th February.
Something Interesting:
Ancient astronomers recognised that five “stars” moved quickly and predictably across the night sky. These stars were monitored and tracked and are now known as the five planets visible to the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
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