Alpha Centaurids Meteor Shower | 8th February

Alpha Centaurids Meteor Shower | 8th February

The Alpha Centaurids Meteor Shower returns to WA's night sky from 28th January to 21th February, peaking on 8th February. The shower gets its name from the apparent origin of the meteors, in this case, the constellation of Centaurus, which rises in the south eastern...

Saturn and Venus Meet the Moon | 1st February

Saturn and Venus Meet the Moon | 1st February

What a beautiful evening to be out under the stars! Bright Venus and Saturn will appear either side of the Moon. It will be a delight to see.  If you want to make the most of your summer stargazing, we recommend escaping to an Astrotourism Town in country WA and...

Venus is at its Greatest Brilliance | 16th February

Venus is at its Greatest Brilliance | 16th February

After the sun sets on February evenings, Venus will make a striking sight setting on the western horizon. On 16th February, Venus is at what is known as “greatest brilliance” and is the brightest it gets for the year. Through a telescope, Venus will appear as a...

Noongar calendar six seasons: Bunuru

Noongar calendar six seasons: Bunuru

Western Australia’s Noongar Aboriginal people live by six seasons. In February and March, it’s Bunuru, the hottest time of the year with little to no rain.

Orion the Hunter

Orion the Hunter

Orion the Hunter is a famous summer constellation, and it is up in the early evening for you to see now.

Magellanic Clouds | Summer & Autumn

Magellanic Clouds | Summer & Autumn

Visiting and staying in country WA gives you an excellent opportunity to see the Magellanic Clouds, normally made invisible by bright city lights. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (often abbreviated to LMC and SMC) are galaxies near our own Milky Way Galaxy. From...

First Quarter

5 February

Full Moon

12 February
Rises 7:13pm (AWST)

Last Quarter

21 February

New Moon

28 February