Winter Solstice | 21st June

Winter Solstice | 21st June

What happens during solstice? The June Solstice, also known as the winter solstice, marks the day with the most number of night time hours in the southern hemisphere. The Sun appears at its lowest in the sky, with the least angle to Earth, and we receive less sunlight...

Saturn Beside Neptune | 19th June

Saturn Beside Neptune | 19th June

In the early morning hours, it's a great time to see if you can find Neptune with a telescope by using the Moon and Saturn as your guide. Neptune is below and slightly to the left of Saturn which can be seen below the Moon. Neptune only looks like a small blue dot in...

Emu in the Sky | June

Emu in the Sky | June

The dark emu is a constellation common to many Aboriginal Astronomical people formed by the dark spaces between the Milky Way’s stars.

Milky Way Galaxy | April to October

Milky Way Galaxy | April to October

Astrophotographers often refer to this time of the year, from mid-autumn to mid-spring, as 'Milky Way season'. That’s because, during this time of year, we look towards the centre or core of our Milky Way Galaxy. It’s dense with stars and stretches across the dark...

First Quarter

3 June

Full Moon

11 June
Rises 5.00pm (AWST)

Last Quarter

19 June

New Moon

25 June