The waxing crescent moon makes a close approach to the Pleiades star cluster below the constellation of Taurus in the north-western sky from sunset. Until about 9.30pm, the moon and the Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters) are close enough to fit within the view of binoculars, or observe with the naked eye.

Make sure to keep an eye out for Jupiter as well. Jupiter is the brighter star-like object further towards the west.

Use the above image as a guide. Astronomical images provided by SkySafari, a Simulation Curriculum Company, All rights reserved

When and where to look:

Sunset to 9:30pm, 15th March in the north-western sky.

Something Interesting:

The pretty open star cluster is more commonly known as the Seven Sisters, and is actually formed of more than 800 stars; however, most people manage only to see 5 or 6 stars under dark skies. It lies just to the left of Taurus the Bull.

Use the Stellarium images above as a guide or visit  Grab a copy of the latest Astronomy Australia almanac from Stargazers Club WA and learn all you need to know about what to see in our night sky.

Where's the Best Place to see the Milky Way?

You need a good dark night sky for the best view: so choose an Astrotourism Town destination. Happy stargazing!