Morawa became an Astrotourism Town in July 2018. On the first visit we met with Shire staff to talk about places we could invite visitors for casual observing and astrophotography.

We’re working with the community to reduce artificial light pollution in order to protect the dark night sky for many years to come. One of the key issues we’d like to tackle is the lighting on the town’s realigned main road. The night sky darkness would improve with the installation of shields on the street lights that illuminate the bypass road. We’ll keep you up to date with our progress.

The night skies around Morawa are fantastic for stargazing and there are some super places to explore.

Stargazing & Tourism Information

Observing Site

The local community welcomes you to use telescopes and binoculars or enjoy an evening of stargazing here.

Astrophotography Hot Spot

Bring your camera to take stunning images of the starry night sky over this special landscape.

Visitor Centre

For accommodation, meals and other sightseeing in the local area, check in with the local visitor centre.

Astrotourism WA is generously supported by:

Astrotourism WA is supported by many communities and organisations across Western Australia. Find all of our supporters here…