Northam became an Astrotourism Town in July 2019. We met with Shire staff at the Bilya Koort Boodja Centre for Nyoongar Culture and Environmental Knowledge on 8th July 2019 to discuss locations for visitors to enjoy stargazing and astrophotography.

When you’re in Northam, the Bilya Koort Boodja Centre is a must-see attraction. The Centre is centred on the six Nyoongar Aboriginal seasons. As you move through the Centre and the six seasons, you’ll discover the deep understanding Aboriginal people have of their land and climate.

The Shire of Northam is currently conducting a town light audit which is a terrific step towards helping to protect the quality of the night sky. We’ll keep you updated on progress.

Stargazing & Tourism Information

Observing Site

The local community welcomes you to use telescopes and binoculars or enjoy an evening of stargazing here.

Astrophotography Hot Spot

Bring your camera to take stunning images of the starry night sky over this special landscape.

Visitor Centre

For accommodation, meals and other sightseeing in the local area, check in with the local visitor centre.

Astrotourism WA is generously supported by:

Astrotourism WA is supported by many communities and organisations across Western Australia. Find all of our supporters here…