Perenjori became an Astrotourism Town in July 2018. The first visit on 17 July 2018, included meeting staff at the Shire of Perenjori and committee members of the local tourism association. We discussed various locations to use for observing and astrophotography.

The level of artificial light in the town is relatively low. Just south of Perenjori is a facility where iron ore from a nearby mine is trucked in and transferred onto rail. It’s a 24-hour operation, so the lights at night cause some upward glare into the sky.

Over time we hope to work with the local mining company that uses the railway siding to see if there are opportunities for the lights to be shielded and pointed downwards rather than up into the sky.

Stargazing & Tourism Information

Observing Site

The local community welcomes you to use telescopes and binoculars or enjoy an evening of stargazing here.

Astrophotography Hot Spot

Bring your camera to take stunning images of the starry night sky over this special landscape.

Visitor Centre

For accommodation, meals and other sightseeing in the local area, check in with the local visitor centre.

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