Scorpius, more commonly referred to as Scorpio, is a large constellation that actually looks like its namesake! Sometimes it’s quite difficult to make out the shape of constellations, but you should have some success with Scorpius!

It is visible all through spring during the early evenings. It lies overhead at around 8pm and is a lovely, large constellation.

See if you can find the curve of Scorpio’s body and the sting in its tail stretching up to the centre of the sky!

When and where to look:

After 8pm during spring, Scorpio is directly overhead. Later in the evening, Scorpio sets in the west.

Something Interesting

See how many stars you can count in the constellation of Scorpio. Try this when you’re in different places too. You’ll soon see how dark night skies help bring out the stars!

Use your knowledge to become a Citizen Scientist for the Globe at Night! The Globe at Night is an international citizen-science program that’s raising awareness of the impact of light pollution.

They are inviting Citizen Scientists to measure and submit their night sky brightness observations. It’s easy to get involved. All you need is a computer or smart phone. Find out how you can contribute to science…

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