This is the month to view Saturn! On the 8th September, Saturn is at what is called “opposition” and means its closest to Earth for the year. If you head out under the stars at around 7:30pm on 17th September, you’ll catch a glimpse of Saturn above the Moon in the east. 

Use the above image as a guide. Astronomical images provided by SkySafari, a Simulation Curriculum Company, All rights reserved

When and where to look:

7:30pm, 17th September above the eastern horizon.

Something interesting

“Opposition” is a word that astronomers often use. A planet is said to be in “opposition” when it is on the opposite side of Earth to the Sun.

“Opposition” only occurs for planets that are further out from Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Mercury and Venus can never be in “opposition” because their orbits are closer to the Sun than Earth’s. Earth can never be in between these planets and the Sun!

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