The waxing crescent moon makes a close approach to the Pleiades star cluster below the constellation of Taurus in the north-western sky from sunset. Until about 9.30pm, the moon and the Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters) are close enough to fit within the view...
You’ve probably heard about ‘Supermoons’, but what about ‘Micromoons’? In the strictest sense, these aren’t astronomy terms — ‘supermoon’ was coined by an astrologer, and some people are still convinced that the extra...
It’s comet hunting time, and your astronomy target is Comet C/2021 S3/PanSTARRS. When to look: From shortly after midnight in the morning of January 1, getting steadily later as the weeks progress until the beginning of April. You can see comet C/2021 S3/PanSTARRS all...
Visit the Dryandra Woodland National Park for a weekend experience rich in Wilman Noongar Culture and stargaze under Narrogin’s stunning dark night skies. Immerse yourself in Wilman Noongar culture with storytelling, didgeridoo music and see Aboriginal star patterns...
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