Congratulations Cervantes Primary School!

Cervantes Primary School was the winner Best Astrotourism WA Light Audit by a Primary School.

In April 2019, Astrotourism WA was joined by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), Scitech and Aspire UWA on an externally funded astronomy educational tour of schools in the Astrotourism WA network.

Students learnt about light pollution and how to protect the dark night sky so we can all see the stars better. After the visit students were encouraged to conduct a light audit of their towns.

The team from ICRAR, Aspire UWA, Scitech and Astrotourism WA on the road visiting schools in the Wheatbelt and Mid West Regions.

Three of the four primary schools visited by Astrotourism WA submitted outstanding light audits for their towns! The competition was judged by Prof Peter Quinn, Executive Director ICRAR and Mr Keith Williams, Manager BinoCentral.

Cervantes Primary School won Best Astrotourism Town Light Audit by a Primary School. The school won a wonderful new telescope kindly provided by BinoCentral and Saxon. Certificates of Recognition were awarded to Mingenew Primary School and Three Springs Primary School.


Town Light Audits were submitted by Cervantes Primary School, Mingenew Primary School and Three Springs Primary School.

A light audit is the first step a community can take to apply for International Dark-Sky Association accreditation which we hope to do in the future! There are wonderful dark skies ahead!

After the competition Cervantes Primary School students presented the Town Light Audit to the Dandaragan Shire Council at its meeting in July 2019.

The enthusiasm and professionalism from each Primary Schools that entered the competition was impressive. 

Carol Redford, Founder Astrotourism WA said “Light pollution is a type of pollution that we don’t think about at all. It was inspiring to see the students grasp the concept and their willingness to embark on an activity for their communities.”

“The students may not be fully aware of their achievement, but what they have done will have a lasting impact for our regional tourism industry. They are now a big part of the Astrotourism journey for WA.” she said.

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